We would like to invite you to a series of online sessions that will be hosted by AMI throughout 2021. Anyone with an interest in the social mission of Montessori is more than welcome to join the session which will be hosted on Zoom.

In 2020, we looked back on 150 years since the birth of Maria Montessori and reflected on her groundbreaking contribution, creating awareness around the potential of the child and their importance to human society and the fact that children do not find the conditions for life in adult society.

Some of the issues Montessori raised around the rights of the child during her lifetime have been given more prominence, while many challenges remain before every child will have the opportunity to develop to its full potential. The global pandemic has exacerbated inequality, particularly affecting children who were already marginalised.

 The ideas of Maria Montessori are of the greatest importance, not only to children, teachers and parents, but to everyone interested in human development and progress. First appearing as a method of child education, her work is seen to be based on the deepest foundations and to point to the improvement of human life, on an individual, community and societal level.

Next session – 8 March 2021

Silvia C. Dubovoy and Ama van Dantzig discuss Women’s Rights

6:30 – 7:40pm Central European Time 

Montessori education is about the liberation of the human being: to be given ownership, independence and respect — and to have the best possible environment to enable optimal development. So 8 March, a day that pays tribute to equality on International Women’s Day, and Montessori go hand in hand.

AMI is delighted to have two speakers shed light on essential aspects of equality.

Silvia C. Dubovoy

PhD, Director of Primary Training at the Montessori Institute of San Diego

6:30 – 7:00pm CET

Silvia C. Dubovoy, PhD, is a strong advocate of equality and inclusiveness in education. And, she is a passionate speaker to boot. Silvia has a PhD in Psychology from Universidad de Barcelona, Spain, with an enviable record of knowledge of Montessori pedagogy and history.  She is a trainer, lecturer, examiner, and consultant for AMI, and holds the AMI Assistants to Infancy (0–3), Primary (3–6), and Special Education Diplomas; she has worked as a teacher trainer in Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Spain. and the US. She is the founding director of training of the Montessori Institute of San Diego, in La Jolla, California, and faculty of Universitat de Vic, Spain.

Ama van Dantzig
Co-founder of Dr. Monk

7:00 – 7:30pm CET

Ama van Dantzig, co-founder of Dr. Monk, champions a world that is fair, green, connected and filled with promise. On one end of Dr. Monk’s spectrum of work are big in-depth research projects – in Europe, Africa and South America – and on the other end (media) concepts that activate a broad audience. With experience on the ground in many African countries and communities, as well on an international level, Ama believes in the ability of people to generate ingenious solutions for the challenges of our time. With headquarters in Amsterdam and Accra, Dr. Monk gains from socio-cultural cross-pollination.

7:30 – 7:40pm CET

During the 10 minute Q&A the audience will have the opportunity to ask Silvia C. Dubovoy and Ama van Dantzig questions.

7:30 – 7:40pm CET

During the 10 minute Q&A the audience will have the opportunity to ask Silvia C. Dubovoy and Ama van Dantzig questions.

The AMI Talks are offered free of charge, registration is possible here.

Click here to find the recordings of the past AMI talks.