Aug 24, 2018
The EsF Assembly, held at the Sustainability Institute in Stellenbosch, South Africa, brought together a record number of 95 delegates from all parts of the globe. The Sustainability Institute was a perfect fit with the Assembly theme: Strengthening Community for a...
Jun 4, 2018
He was only halfway through the process. There were hundreds of little plastic beads that needed to be lined up according to a prescribed pattern, with the final step calling for a hot iron to run over the top and merge them together in a work of supreme art. I was...
May 4, 2018
We will be featuring short stories on the development of innovative Montessori schools serving diverse communities, to share with you some of the incredible work around the world. This blog shares the story of Sister Eileen Savage, who established and continues to...
Mar 29, 2018
We will be featuring short stories on the development of innovative Montessori schools serving diverse communities, to share with you some of the incredible work around the world. This blog shares the story of Sister Maria Tenorio Cancino, who established a foundation...
Nov 28, 2017
When officials from The Telangana Minority Residential Educational Institutions Society (TMREIS)* met Philip O’Brien and Lynne Lawrence, Uma Ramani (primary trainer), Helen Mohan Elias and Moiza Rafath (both from MTRT), during the fifth EsF assembly in Hyderabad,...
Mar 14, 2017
The Thai Montessori community has been diligently working since 2004 to promote Montessori education in Thailand with the support of AMI. Kannekar Butt, a Thai/Australian Montessori leader and educator, has been instrumental in bringing AMI Montessori education to...