Educateur Patricia Gwin is currently in Haiti where she is conducting a seminar over the course of three weekends, to introduce Montessori preschool teachers to the math materials used at the elementary/primary level.
In true Educateur spirit, Mrs Gwin approached Pacific Rim International School in California, where she taught before she retired, to donate used materials for the seminar. The directrice of the school, Mrs Christinia Cheung willingly obliged, so we were able to complete the set of materials we needed for the seminar by adding the materials donated by Pacific Rim International School to the ones purchased by the Peter Hesse Foundation.
We hope Mrs Gwin’s dedication will inspire other EsF members to be more proactive in assisting needy educational projects worldwide that are based on Montessori principles. There are many ways that you can help. You can help by volunteering, donating books or materials, by supporting a child to go to school, by supporting the training of a Montessori teacher, or by fundraising. No effort is too big or too small to contribute towards changing the lives of children for a better and more peaceful world.